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Nothing can cut through to the deep-down part of our being but the Word of God! – Oswald Chambers

This title is so fitting for the times we live in. We need more than candy on Sunday and a nice warm message of niceties, we must eat a real meal served to us from our master if we want to experience real change.

Here are a few thoughts from our prayer journal dated March 7, 2019. You can see that the Lord was lovingly warning and preparing our hearts for the time we are now facing.


“Many are in the crossroads of life, the Valley of Decision; places of darkness and dilution. The enemy is “crouched” at the door ready to pounce. He’s poised to take many out. The Lord want’s to interrupt the plans of the enemy and turn around the many from a path of destruction. He wants to bring many souls into the Kingdom and he wants to awaken “the Sleepers”. It is time to wake-up his people, at his direction, and by His mighty hand. He needs nothing from us, just our faith and trust in him. Time to lean in and watch what I will do in this hour. My body stinketh, its time for a complete cleansing of my house. There are many in my house I have prepared for this hour and men are going to see, watch, and learn how I like to have Church. They will be so shocked at how I interrupt their religious meetings, how boldly I declare and perform miracles right in front of them. I’m going to walk among my people like the “Days of Old”. I’m resurrecting my people to walk as the resurrected church. Sickness and disease will back away and demons will flee in this hour. There will be glorious, glorious things that will occur. And many, many, many souls will be swept into the Kingdom in this hour.”