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If my preaching of this cross is not an offense to the natural man, I am misrepresenting it – Martyn Lloyd Jones

Insights from prayer on March 22, 2019

Prepare Your Hearts

“Prepare your hearts as I do not want you to miss a thing. Many things you’ve not understood in this hour will be revealed. I’m causing a divine reasoning, a divine understanding of wisdom to come to you. It is an impartation of my Spirit of Wisdom, by the Holy Spirit. However, I am asking each of you to come in close to me. Come into greater communication with me, and you will experience this glorious impartation of my heart to your heart. This is the hour that many things will be revealed and even the wicked ones will be confused and dumbfounded at how their sorcery and curses do not work against my children. What I have blessed is blessed. Do not curse what I have blessed (individually and personally). I am at work my children but I am asking you to follow me wholeheartedly, not from afar, but close up! There are things I need to tell each of you as it pertains to your own life, it is my longing to talk with you. I have stored up prayers and stored up many things for this hour that I am pouring out. There is already a release – walk in it. I am with you as you follow me.”

Be still, lean in, listen